Organised by Michael Yuen and Yam Lau, DICA will be out with new works around Beijing’s Lido Park on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 from 18.00–20.00.
“In July 2010, DICA will continue its tradition of meandering in Beijing and facilitating connections between different communities. Portable container units will be installed on the donkey cart to present a new series of activities including an artist’s book library, to function as a site for book exchange, and to support the planting of a garden.
“We will be at LIDO Park East Gate, Fangyuan Xi Lu from 6pm. If we are walking around, call us on the special donkey hotline +86 1581 1173 284.”
For more information about the artists and activities we are involved with, please contact:
Edward Sanderson
CPU:PRO, Beijing, China
China Mobile: +86 13621078560
UK Mobile: +44 7958 599108