Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA)  © Michael Yuen and Yam Lau

Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA)
4 August 2009
Tuesday 4.30–8.30pm
near 798, Beijing, China

Michael Yuen and Yam Lau's non-profit art space, presented on the back of a donkey, will be making it's first appearance tomorrow near the 798 Art District of Beijing. Michael is one of CPU:PRO's gallery artists and his work often plays with notions of the city, with a sense of play which upsets the normal flow of these spaces. For more information about Michael Yuen, see his artist page on our website.

From their press release:

Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA)

Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA) is an initiative dedicated to supporting experimental contemporary art on the back of a donkey travelling throughout the city. Our first show opens this Tuesday with a video exhibition.

DICA's First Show, Beijing

Video by: Chen Xinpeng (China), Neville Mars (Holland), Yam Lau (Canada), Jean-François Côté (Canada), Ma Yong Feng (China), Li Zeng Hui (China), Elsie Yi Shen (China).

Sunday 4.30–8.30pm, 4th August 09
下午 4:30–8:30, 2009年8月4日 周日

Dashanzi: Alley across the road from 798 front gate. Cross the Juixinqiao Rd bridge and walk east. Near post office.
大山子: 798 门对面。邮局附近。

DICA will be travelling through the Beijing street. If you can’t find us, please call 15010986621.
Maps available on the DICA website.
DICA 將遊歷於北京的大街小巷,如果你找不到我們,敬請撥打電話 15010986621。

The Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA) is an initiative dedicated to supporting experimental contemporary art on the back of a donkey. Established in the Beijing summer of 2009, DICA demonstrates a donkey’s spirit of steadfast oblivion. The DICA and the donkey counter all forms of calculated intelligence, promotion and profit making within the market place of contemporary art. They do so with the slowest possible speed, the most idle tactics and wandering work ethics.

Obstinate, dumb and proceeding on blind faith, DICA meanders throughout cities to meet its potential audience, whoever that might be. Yet, DICA makes no claim or appeal for recognition in these encounters. The institute lives by the charm and rhythm that is unique to the donkey’s soul. In this sense, DICA is the most inhuman and radical fulfillment ofthe avant-garde. It posits an almost complete sort of “standing-still” that refuses to concede to anything.


驢子當代藝術協會致力於在驢背上為當代實驗藝術提供支援。此協會於2009年在北 京成立,宣導驢子所具備的一成不變的遺忘精神。協會及其驢子採用盡可能慢的速 率、以最為懶散的策略以及游離不定工作規則來反對在當代藝術市場中的各種形式 的蓄謀、促銷及盈利行為。

帶著倔強、木訥以及盲目的信仰,驢子當代藝術協會穿梭於城市之間,去邂逅其潛 在的觀眾,不管其觀眾為何人。然而,協會並非要尋求邂逅者們的認可,它所賴以 生存的魅力與韻律是驢子靈魂中所獨有的。從這個意義上來說,協會卻是最野蠻與 激進的先鋒派。它幾乎是在用一種“原地踏步”的方式來拒絕任何讓步。

在這場創始巡迴展中,協會將在由驢子背負著的可擕式顯示器上展示出視頻作品。 (outside China) (inside China)

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