New Text about Zheng Yunhan

Posted by Edward on Sunday, February 14th, 2010

I’ve written a new text about our artist Zheng Yunhan, which is currently being hosted at Laboratory Art Beijing.

Informed by our work with Zheng over the past few years, this piece goes through all his works and attempts to contextualize them within an overview of the artists methodologies and ideas. Please enjoy and let us have your feedback!

Link to text.

Wang Yuyang solo show at Boers-Li Gallery

Posted by Edward on Friday, November 6th, 2009

Wang Yuyang’s solo show opens tomorrow (7 November) at Boers-Li Gallery. The show runs until the 13 December.

Wang Yuyang nominated for transmediale Award 2010

Posted by Edward on Sunday, September 27th, 2009

transmediale logoWe are very proud to be able to announce that Wang Yuyang’s Artificial Moon has been nominated for the transmediale Award 2010.

Artificial Moon was last on display earlier this year, as part of the show ChinaChinaChina!!! at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts in the UK. It also appeared in Italy and Beijing.

From the announcement:

It was only recently that the traditional light bulb was outlawed in the countries of the European Union. With Yuyang Wang’s installation work Artificial Moon (2007) we now have the artwork to celebrate the soon ubiquitous energy-saving lamps: With Artificial Moon the Chinese artist has employed a variety of these bulbs to create a glowing four-meter sphere called after the orb of night. In a poetic way this work draws attention to the changing roles of technology and environment.

The award winner(s) will be announced on the 6 February 2010.

We all congratulate Yuyang on this highly deserved recognition, and wish him the best of luck for the final round!

Michael Yuen: Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA)

Posted by Edward on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA)The Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art is a collaboration between Artist Michael Yuen (CPU:PRO) and Yam Lau. The first DICA took place yesterday (with a mule, not a donkey, if we must be pedantic) outside of Beijing’s 798 Art District and attracted a large audience of locals and art world luminaries. Pictures and movies have been added to flickr. If you were there and took some shots, please let us know. Michael and Yam will be organising more events with a Donkey, developing it as a platform for showing artworks in unexpected places.

From their press release:

The Donkey Institute of Contemporary Art (DICA) is an initiative dedicated to supporting experimental contemporary art on the back of a donkey. Established in the Beijing summer of 2009, DICA demonstrates a donkey’s spirit of steadfast oblivion. The DICA and the donkey counter all forms of calculated intelligence, promotion and profit making within the market place of contemporary art. They do so with the slowest possible speed, the most idle tactics and wandering work ethics.

Obstinate, dumb and proceeding on blind faith, DICA meanders throughout cities to meet its potential audience, whoever that might be. Yet, DICA makes no claim or appeal for recognition in these encounters. The institute lives by the charm and rhythm that is unique to the donkey’s soul. In this sense, DICA is the most inhuman and radical fulfillment of the avant-garde. It posits an almost complete sort of “standing-still” that refuses to concede to anything. For its inaugural meandering exhibition, DICA will present video works on portable monitors attached on the back of the Donkey.

Well done Michael and Yam, on a magical, strange evening! Further appearances of DICA will be publicised here.

Michael Yuen Update

Posted by Edward on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Gallery artist Michael Yuen has spent the last few months in Australia working on commissions and new shows, and will be returning to Beijing in June to work on a project for CPU:798 (among other things).

Some of Michael’s recently passed or current shows include: