[lang_en]The Moon-Landing Programme (2006–2007)[/lang_en][lang_zh]再造登月 (2006–2007)[/lang_zh]


Artist: Wang Yuyang


The Moon Landing Program Based on the video tape recording U.S. astronauts landing the moon in 1969, the work is a perfect copy of the whole process. In order to realize process, props, costumes, and scene construction, lighting settings are required. And the photographer had to find appropriate angle based on the original video footage. Finally, the fake live video record of Moon-landing is finished, which will be displayed with the original one together. At the same time, props will be displayed in a glass case, looking like an exhibit in a science and technology museum. The work starts off by questioning the concept of “image”, and follows on by casting doubt on science, history and politics.

The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation)

Large Format Digital Prints

The Moon-Landing Programme (1) The Moon-Landing Programme (2) The Moon-Landing Programme (3) The Moon-Landing Programme (4) The Moon-Landing Programme (5) The Moon-Landing Programme (6) The Moon-Landing Programme (7) The Moon-Landing Programme (8) The Moon-Landing Programme (9) The Moon-Landing Programme (10) The Moon-Landing Programme (11) The Moon-Landing Programme (12) The Moon-Landing Programme (13)


Artist: 王郁洋


《再造登月》 作品以美国宇航员1969年发布的登月实况录像范本,做了一次尽可能仿真的临摹。于是就需要制作道具、服装以及场景的搭建、灯光的设置,而摄影师则必须根据原录像画面寻找适当的机位—— 终于,这个“人类登月实况录像”的赝品炮制成功,并与所谓“原始影像”并置播放,同时在玻璃柜中展示拍摄时的道具,造成科技馆藏品般的陈列阵势。作品从对“影像”概念的质疑开始,逐渐过渡到对科学、历史与政治的质疑。

The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation) The Moon-Landing Programme (installation)

Large Format Digital Prints

The Moon-Landing Programme (1) The Moon-Landing Programme (2) The Moon-Landing Programme (3) The Moon-Landing Programme (4) The Moon-Landing Programme (5) The Moon-Landing Programme (6) The Moon-Landing Programme (7) The Moon-Landing Programme (8) The Moon-Landing Programme (9) The Moon-Landing Programme (10) The Moon-Landing Programme (11) The Moon-Landing Programme (12) The Moon-Landing Programme (13)
