[lang_en]Dust is Dust (2007–8)[/lang_en][lang_zh]尘归尘版本 (2007–8)[/lang_zh]


Artist: Wang Yuyang

The human experience of seeing amplified stars and dust is much the same; stars are a macro view and dust a micro view. This work presents the audience a reality shot by electron microscope of dust, which is beyond limit of the naked eyes. The invisible dimly exists, while the visible might not be real.

Large Format Digital Prints + Installation

Dust is Dust (1) Dust is Dust (2) Dust is Dust (3) Dust is Dust (4) Dust is Dust (5) Dust is Dust (6) Dust is Dust (7) Dust is Dust (8) Dust is Dust (9)


Artist: 王郁洋

《尘归尘》 人类观察宇宙时的放大,和今天观察放大的尘埃,在经验上是一致的,区别在于其观察宏观与微观世界之联系。作品中通过电子显微镜拍摄下来的尘埃还给观众一个穿越极限,肉眼无法识别的真实。看不见的却依稀存在、看得见的却未必真实。

Large Format Digital Prints + Installation

Dust is Dust (1) Dust is Dust (2) Dust is Dust (3) Dust is Dust (4) Dust is Dust (5) Dust is Dust (6) Dust is Dust (7) Dust is Dust (8) Dust is Dust (9)
