[lang_en]Artificial Moon (2007)[/lang_en][lang_zh]人造月 (2007)[/lang_zh]


Artist: Wang Yuyang

Artificial Moon The order of the lights The shape of the moon The cold white light An imaginary moon has been created by ten thousand energy-saving bulbs and a high voltage electricity supply, allowing people to enjoy a natural phenomenon in modern cultural emporiums, replacing the moon cited in ancient poems.

Installation and large-format digital prints

Artificial Moon (1) Artificial Moon (2) Artificial Moon (3) Artificial Moon (4) Artificial Moon (5) Artificial Moon (6)

Background Material


Artist: 王郁洋

《人造月》 灯的秩序, 月的形状, 冷白的光, 凭籍一万个节能灯具和大功率的电源制造了一个月亮的联想,让人们在现代文化放浪的场所享用自然天象,替代已经失落了的“窗前明月光”的质量。

Installation and large-format digital prints

Artificial Moon (1) Artificial Moon (2) Artificial Moon (3) Artificial Moon (4) Artificial Moon (5) Artificial Moon (6)

Background Material
