Wei Weng selected for First Annual Three Shadows Photography Award

By Edward on Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Currently showing in CPU:798, artist Wei Weng has also been selected for the First Annual Three Shadows Photography Award. The winner will be chosen this afternoon at 4pm, at the Three Shadows space in Caochangdi, in Beijing.

We wish Wei the best of luck!

2 Responses to “Wei Weng selected for First Annual Three Shadows Photography Award”

  1. Wei Weng says:

    During the forum jurors discussed challenges for photographers to reach broader audience in the digital age. Institutions will pay lip service to subversive/innovative strategies but should an artist endorse non-site specific endorsement (exhibition space, book launch)?

    • Edward says:

      Can you clarify? Are you saying that Three Shadows is “non-site specific” therefore you are asking if an artist should “endorse” it? I think that’s always the problem when you have to use what is essentially a ‘conduit’ to manage the presentation of the work. By ‘conduit’ I mean something like a pipe, which restricts the flow but gets it where it needs to be. Obviously I leave the interpretation of the phrases ‘restricts the flow’ and ‘where it needs to be’ up to you! Surely all of these sites: “exhibition space, book launch” serve their particular purpose, and it’s up to you to exploit that?